Learning Path Screencasts

Organized by Topic. See here for list of videos

Here are some of the current topics. More to come week by week!

Python Basics

Useful Python Tips and Tricks

Introduction to IDLE

Introducing the IDLE environment

Introduction to Unittest

Exploring the basic interface to the unittest module

Introduction to Lambda Functions

What are lambda functions? When should you use them? Plus an example of stable sorting

Introduction to Lists

Learn about Python lists, their methods, and Big-O characteristics

Introduction to Enumerate

Learn about a useful built-in for accessing the index of sequence items. Code smells to avoid, and unpacking.

Conditional Expressions

Explains conditional expressions and short circuiting

PIP and Virtual Environments

Learn how to set up your environments with PIP and virtualenv

Introduction to PIP

Using pip to install from PyPi

Introduction to Virtual Environments

Using venv in Python 3 to isolate environments

Jupyter Installation with PIP

Installing Jupyter using pip

Installing Seaborn with PIP

Using PIP is an easy way to install the Seaborn package on your computer

Upgrading Notebook with Pip & Conda

Using PIP and Conda to upgrade Jupyter Notebook

Project Layout and Tips

Hints for Laying out and Implementing Your Project

Introduction to Cookie Cutter

Learn about Cookie Cutter to bootstrap your Python project

Introduction to Unittest

Exploring the basic interface to the unittest module

Python Strings

Details and Hints for Python Strings

FTFY – Fix Mojibake

Using the FTFY (fixes text for you) library to decipher Mojibake

String Capitalization

Dealing with titlecase, capitalization, and hints to avoid pitfalls

Strings & Whitespace

Dealing with whitespace in strings (strip, join, replace, and regular expressions)

Unicode Whitespace

Unicode has additional whitespace characters that you might not know about. Not to fret, Python can handle them.

Combining Strings

Various ways to combine strings, and insert the oxford comma

String Sequences

A string is a sequence of individual characters in Python. You can index, slice, and iterate over it.

Advent of Code: Day 1 Part 2

Using Jupyter and enumerate to get the index during looping

Advent of Code: Day 1 Part 2

Using Jupyter and enumerate to get the index during looping

Steph Curry 2016 Mid-Season Performance

Analysis of Curry's performance at mid-year 2016

Steph Curry 3pt Record (pt1)

Getting data from nba-reference.com. Cleaning the data in pandas

Steph Curry 3pt Record (pt2)

Plotting with a series. Finding the cumulative sum, dealing with missing values, and adding plot labels

Steph Curry 3pt Record (pt3)

Comparing two plots. Adding legends and labels with pandas and matplotlib

Steph Curry 3pt Record (pt4)

Making a matplotlib plot do steps by using List Comprehensions

Steph Curry 3pt Record (pt5)

Changing a plot by calling set_index

Steph Curry 3pt Record (pt6)

Using Seaborn to change the plot style

Plotting with Matplotlib, Seaborn in Jupyter Notebooks)

Learn how to install and use Jupyter

Jupyter Plotting Cell Magic

Using cell magic to embed plots in Jupyter

Histograms in Matplotlib, Pandas, & Seaborn

Histograms are a basic visualization for seeing the lay of the land. How do we create one in Matplotlib, Pandas, and Seaborn

Loading & Plotting Excel Files

Using Pandas to load an Excel file and plot Presidential data

Scatter Plots

Using Seaborn to visualize the relationship between two variables

Bubble Plots with Matplotlib

Using matplotlib to create a bubble plot that shows 3 dimensions

Bubble Plots with Pandas

Using pandas to create a bubble plot that shows 3 dimensions

Bubble Plots with Seaborn

Using seaborn to create a bubble plot that shows 3 dimensions. Insight into hue_kws

Steph Curry 3pt Record (pt2)

Plotting with a series. Finding the cumulative sum, dealing with missing values, and adding plot labels


Learn how to set up your environments with Anaconda

Creating Conda Environments

Using the Anaconda distribution to isolate working environments

Installing Seaborn with Conda

Using the Anaconda distribution to install packages

Upgrading Notebook with Pip & Conda

Using PIP and Conda to upgrade Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebooks (iPython)

Learn how to install and use Jupyter

Jupyter Installation with PIP

Installing Jupyter using pip

Jupyter Introduction

Brief introduction to Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Plotting Cell Magic

Using cell magic to embed plots in Jupyter

Upgrading Notebook with Pip & Conda

Using PIP and Conda to upgrade Jupyter Notebook

Markdown Introduction

How to use Markdown in Jupyter

Augmenting Notebook Cell Output

Using the display function to view multiple items in a cell